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HIV Antibody - 000683

The HIV antibody test is done as a screening test for HIV, which means that this test will help you in the process of diagnosing whether you have HIV or not. This test helps to detect the presence of antibodies against the HIV virus in your body. An antibody is a substance produced by your immune system when it detects the presence of foreign organism, and these antibodies help to fight them.

The HIV antibody test helps to detect the presence of antibodies against the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. Antibodies are substances which help your body fight invasion by foreign organisms. The results of an HIV antibody test will be conclusive only 3-12 weeks after infection, because it takes some time for your body to produce the antibody against the HIV virus.

This test is done in order to determine if you have been infected with the HIV virus or not, when your doctor suspects that this might be the case, because you are a high risk individual, as you have multiple sexual partners or you have injected recreational drugs. This test is also recommended as part of a health screening for people between the ages of 13 to 64. If the presence of the HIV virus is detected early then appropriate treatment can be started early which helps to prevent the development of AIDS.

There are no special preparations that you have to make before you undergo this test. But it is always recommended that you talk to a counselor prior to getting tested, in order to help you deal with the results that may come about.

During this, a Medical Lab Technician will draw out a small volume of blood, using a needle and syringe which is inserted into a vein in your arm. This blood sample is then sent to the lab for analysis. There are home testing kits available, which require you to package a sample of saliva or a drop of blood from your fingertip.

Since this test is a simple drawing of blood, you will not feel a lot of discomfort. You might experience a mild pain on inserting the needle, but you will not experience any uneasiness afterwards.

There is very little risk in undergoing a HIV antibody test, because it is a simple blood drawing. Very rarely you might continue to have a mild pain or some swelling at the site where the needle was inserted, but these symptoms will resolve on their own within a couple of days.

The results of this test will either be positive or negative. The negative result either means that you have not been infected with the HIV virus or the test has been performed too early and your body has not had the time to produce the antibodies yet. Therefore you will be requested to undergo the same test at a later date. If the result is positive, then you will be asked to perform other tests as well, which will help confirm the diagnosis of HIV infection.

There is nothing specific which can alter the results of this test, since it is done evaluate the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus.